Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Congressional Issues 2010
Immigration in a Division of Labor Economy

Having outlined the basic difference between a division of labor economy, where each member of the body play a distinct, specialized role, and an economy where each play the same role of self-sufficiency, we are now in a position to see the great advantages to increased population.

Our teacher is Prof. George Reisman. His book, Capitalism, is one of the best economics texts ever written. It is thoroughly Free Market in perspective. We recommend purchasing the book using the link at right. You can also view the book online for free here.[pdf] We are drawing this information from chapter 9, "The Influence of the Division of Labor on the Institutions of Capitalism," Part C, "Economic Competition," pages 358-366.


[L]et us consider some further illustrations of the connection between the division of labor and the size of the population. Consider, for example, why large cities have so many specialized shops and restaurants, which are rarely found elsewhere. The reason is that the large population of such a city constitutes so vast a market that the statistically most infrequent tastes and interests are present in a great enough absolute quantity to make their accommodation possible.

For example, on any given evening perhaps only one person in ten thousand would like to eat Indian food. If the whole surrounding territory has only fifty thousand inhabitants, such a restaurant almost certainly could not survive, for it would have only five customers on an average evening. Its survival in such conditions would require patrons willing to pay very high prices. Only then could it be worthwhile for anyone to operate such an establishment. But in a large city or metropolitan area, with a surrounding population of ten million, say, there will be a thousand people, on average, wanting such food every evening. As a result, several such restaurants can exist and prosper.

The same principle applies to specialized book stores, equipment stores, and so on. It also explains why it is in large cities that one finds such cultural institutions as museums, opera companies, symphony orchestras, and so on, which appeal to refined and, in terms of their frequency of occurrence, relatively uncommon tastes. Only large cities have a sufficiently large market to provide a sufficient level of attendance for such institutions.

Some may not consider the presence of Indian restaurants, symphony orchestras, and other cultural institutions -- particularly if they are opposed to the immigration of people of other cultures -- to be of any great advantage. So let's consider brain surgery.

Continue to next part.

George Reisman's Program of Self-Education in the Economic Theory and Political Philosophy of Capitalism

Gary North's essay on Darwin, Malthus, and a Biblical world-view
In his book The Myth of Over-Population, R.J. Rushdoony shows that the symptoms of "overpopulation" are actually symptoms of government intervention. Darwinian and Malthusian assumptions govern the modern State, and both the Republican and Democrat Parties.

Order Now:
The Myth of Over-Population

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Recent Blog Posts

In the Next Two Years, Congress should:
  • expand, or at least maintain, current legal immigration quotas;
  • increase permanently the number of H-1B visas and deregulate employment-based immigration to facilitate the entry of skilled immigrants;
  • remove the new one-year time limit on filing for political asylum and reform the "expedited removal" laws;
  • repeal employer sanctions;
  • stop the move toward a computerized national identification system and the use of government-issued documents, such as birth certificates and Social Security cards, as de facto national ID cards; and
  • reduce restrictions on the movement of workers within the North American Free Trade Agreement area.
By the end of the decade, Congress should:
  • Abolish all anti-immigration laws.

As soon as possible, America should:

  • Create a vast network of voluntary social service agencies to meet all immigrants at the borders or piers and ensure their literacy and familiarity with American values.
  • Commit to on-going transmission of American values to immigrants in all areas of life. Read more about this.


next: part 4