Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Congressional Issues 2010
Farm Bureau Philosophy

Missouri Farm Bureau

Kevin Craig - "Liberty Under God"

Farm Bureau is an independent, non-governmental, voluntary organization of farmers and rural citizens united to analyze their problems and to formulate action to solve these problems. Its efforts are directed, not at improved commodity prices alone, but also toward the general welfare of all aspects of farm and rural life and through this to the general welfare of the entire nation. To this end, Farm Bureau strives for educational improvement, economic opportunity, and social advancement. Farm Bureau takes the stand that property rights and personal freedom as guaranteed by the United States Constitution are essential to the general welfare and these freedoms should be defended against all attack.

Like most other generally-conservative special interests, the Missouri Farm Bureau is schizophrenic, applauding and seeking to conserve the America of the past, in such areas as Religious Life and Moral Issues, but undercutting America's tradition and cultural genius by joining other special interests in lobbying for "just a little" socialism. The collective impact of all these special interests seeking government subsidy or regulation for their own industry is the creation of a government which is as powerful as the Soviet Union, though (so far) without the brutal outward violence of Communism. During his seven terms in office, the outgoing  Congressman has moved America further and faster toward socialism than any previous decade. The Farm Bureau needs to decide whether it represents farmers as Americans (in the spirit of Thomas Jefferson), or farmers as socialist workers.

1. "Non-governmental, voluntary organization" is the only legitimate way to accomplish one's goals. Using force or threats of violence is wrong. This is the heart of the "Free Market" or libertarian philosophy.

2. "Improving commodity prices" is a bad goal. In a healthy Free Market economy, all prices for regularly-produced goods should be continually falling, as we see in the computer industry.

3. It is appropriate to be concerned for the general welfare of the entire nation, because under the division of labor, farmers are as dependent upon the non-farm economy for their work and life as non-farmers are on farmers for food. All Americans depend on the mutual observance of "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God," by which America's Founders meant Biblical morality.

4. The Libertarian Party is the foremost defender of property rights and personal freedom. Both Democrats and Republicans put political power for their own party ahead of these goals.

As Farm Bureau members we believe in our constitutional form of government, in freedom of speech and peaceful assembly, and in the right of each individual to worship according to his own belief. We believe that cultural advancement, ethical and religious principles flourish when men are free, responsible individuals. We further believe that economic progress is best achieved in a free market system. This is a statement of the Libertarian Philosophy.
We believe as Farm Bureau members we should reaffirm our home and family values and that family life and parental authority should be asserted. Kevin Craig apparently believes in the importance of the monogamous heterosexual family more than the Missouri Farm Bureau, which does not speak of "homosexuality" in its platform, preferring instead the more politically-correct term "gay." Homosexuals are not gay.  |   family values  |  homosexuality
We believe in the right of every person to choose his or her occupation, to be rewarded according to his or her contribution to society, but that individual freedoms and opportunity must not be sacrificed in quest for "guaranteed security". Kevin Craig emphatically agrees that "security" is being used to destroy individual freedoms and personal responsibility.
Successful functioning of a democracy is possible only when all citizens take an active part in governmental affairs. We in Farm Bureau believe we should impress upon all citizens the importance of their decisions on public vote and the need of accepting responsibilities in public affairs. We pledge our best efforts to the important job of citizenship training. Voting is the least a citizen should do, and those who refuse to vote can be more active, more intelligently patriotic, and more influential in preserving the American vision than those who do vote.

The trend toward computer voting systems threatens the entire electoral process.

We believe in the rights of individual states. Agreed, and this includes the right of the states to secede from the union. But even the States have duties toward "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God." U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas believes that the Missouri Farm Bureau's position on homosexuality is "uncommonly silly," and he wants states to have the right to repeal such legislation.
We believe the laws should be administered as close to the people involved as possible. Agreed; also called "The Principle of Subsidiarity," and "personalism."
We believe that the greatest threats to our American democratic system are a powerful federal bureaucracy capable of developing national policy by administrative decision and the apathy of the people who allow this to happen. This was true for the 20th century, but in the 21st century the greatest threat is a powerful international bureaucracy, not merely a (national) federal bureaucracy. See: www.STOPtheSPP.US

2010 Update: I may be forced to retract this. The ideal of a "united nations" is dissolving in favor of naked U.S. aggression. The U.S. federal government may be willing to acquire global hegemony without the cosmetic appearance of "unity" among supposedly sovereign nations.
Farm Bureau is organized to do what its members want done. It provides a means by which farmers and rural citizens can work together toward the goals upon which they agree.  

next: Agricultural Credit

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